Monday 14 April 2008

Basically, i had this stalker who wouldn't leave me alone what so ever, but even after i said this stuff to him on msn he still continued to message me( i will change nicks to protect people):

ok, so this person was always like "I wish i was there with you" "I wish i could come over there right now" "i want to be with you so bad" etc...etc.. enough to make you fucking sick. and he was joining all channels i was in on IRC >_<. So i eventually bullshitted and said this to him:

Kirsty: *stalker*, i really cant do this, i dont know why it is you feel like you do for me. the thing is im still inlove with my ex and i cant bare to think about another relationship. I know this will hurt you. but i really dont want to hurt you any more than what i probably have done, i still want to be your friend, i really do, but i cant offer you any more

*stalker*: how did i know that was coming :\

Kirsty: im sorry, i really dont want to hurt you..I feel really bad. you knew this was coming?

*stalker*: /sigh, well, just so you know, its been a long time since i can honestly say i've felt like i wanted to actually be with someone, and it's alright.

*stalker*: i knew trouble was on the horizon... it always is

Kirsty: it always is? and what do you mean it took you along time? i've really hurt you havent i? :\

Kirsty: i still dont understand why you like me so much though?

*stalker*: you don't do it out of hate or anger.

*stalker*: because you ment alot to me and i enjoyed talking to you all the time

*stalker*: you make me feel like no other person has ever done and i think/dream about you all the time wishing i was with you, and thats before you even say anything

*stalker*: I just need to go be emo... cut myself or get drunk or cry or something and ill be ok

*stalker*: so, thats ok
on irc in a chan he is in:

«~Kirsty» i feel sick...
«&stalker» y Kirsty
«~Kirsty» im pregnant.....
«&stalker» :O
* &MrN hugs Kirsty
«&stalker» who is the daddy
«~Kirsty» :./
«~Kirsty» im not joking guys...i really am pregnant
«~Kirsty» :\
«&stalker» ur not srs
«&stalker» r u
«~Kirsty» yeah, i'm serious
«&MrN» almost did at one point, until I found out the kid wasn't mine
«~Kirsty» yeah MrN, heh i wish the father to this one would
* &MrN hugs Kirsty
On msn with this 'stalker' dude:

*stalker*: ur really not serious right :>

Kirsty: yeah..find out i'm 4 months gone >_<

*stalker*: :-O u know who?

Kirsty: of course i know who, im not a slag :\
In another channel about this 'stalker' guy
«&MrZ» tell him it was me
«&MrZ» you havent told me yet
«@Kirsty» kk
«&MrZ» lol
«&MrZ» we meet 4 months ago
«&MrZ» lol
«&MrZ» and I broke the condom
«&MrZ» but you dont have the heart to tell me
back to msn with 'stalker'

Kirsty: its MrZ, but i havent told him yet

Kirsty: i dont know how to :(

*stalker*: :-O

Kirsty: i've known him for a while but we met up four months ago

*stalker*: oooh...

Kirsty: yeah... He musta broke the condom but i dont have the heart to tell him, wtf do i do? :

*stalker*: hmmm, i dont know, the best thing would be to tell him, mean... he will find

Kirsty: how am i ment to do this? he wont know its his..right?
In other chan about this 'stalker' guy

«@Kirsty» rofl
«@Kirsty» he did a ":o" face
«&MrZ» hahaha
«&MrZ» lemme get this going a bit more
The channel with the 'stalker' guy in(to make it more believeable):

«&MrZ» Kirsty, when you coming here again
«~Kirsty» dunno, soon hopefully
«&MrZ» coolness
«&MrZ» we need to get drunk again
«&MrZ» lol that was the first time I went to that bar
«&MrZ» now I go all the time
«~Kirsty» You go to the bar all the time
«~Kirsty» i miss our nights out MrZ
«&MrZ» yeah was fun
Back to msn...with 'stalker':

*stalker*: well... he could figure it out

*stalker*: i think just... find a time where he isnt doing anything... sit him down/call him and just tell him

*stalker*: cuz eventually he will find out, and the sooner yous ay something, the more time you have to plan it out/figure out what you two are gonna do

*stalker*: and imo, its easier to do that with 2 instead of 1

Kirsty: I dont know how i can tell him
same time in another chan:

«~MissMC» gah he's dumb Kirsty
«&MrZ» very
«&MrZ» lol
«@Kirsty» rofl i know
«&MrZ» now he thinks I impregnated Kirsty
«@Kirsty» im laughing so hard
«&MrZ» but I dont know about it
«&MrZ» xD
«&MrZ» damn cheap condoms
(said to stalker on msn and then pasted.)Kirsty: i dont think hed be happy about it at all, and i dont want to lose him, damn cheap condoms >_<
«&MrZ» rofl
«&MrZ» this guy is sooo gullable
back on msn with 'stalker'

Kirsty: I know, but i dont want to lose him right now, i wont start showing until im like 6months so thats kinda good, i just look like im putting on weight atm :\ what if he tells me to go?

*stalker*: i dont know, dont worry about it until you get to that point

*stalker*: if he does, you always got me? even if it isn't in that sense <<<< WTF.

Kirsty: i dont want anyone but MrZ right now, he means so much to me and he is the father of my child, i really dont know what to do, its breaking my heart him not knowing

*stalker*: you gotta tell him

*stalker*: call him/sit him down and tell him

and basically yeah, it just keeps going on like that, but this guy is convinced i am pregnant so has backed off majorly which is a releaf, and thanks to MissMC for hitting on him to get him to forget about me even more haha, you rock :D and MrZ for being the father of my child.. ROFL :P

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